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Going into training camp I had a lot of questions and wasn’t really sure what the lord wanted to use the race for in my personal journey or to further his kingdom. So as I got to training camp and was walking through it, I continued to prayer for answers on the unknown and the why of the race. The more I prayed and the more I learned during train camp the lord spoke two words to me… Abide and Identity. Still not completely sure what that means or what it will continue to mean throughout this next year but I know the lord will highlight it to me and help me work through it.

So if your anything like me, you might be wondering what it means to abide and what the true definition of identity is. So naturally when the lord spoke these over me, I looked them up and found out the definition for each word. Abide means to remain, dwell, or continue in your relationship. And Identity means newness, love, purpose, meaning, unity, adoption, and heirs. After finding out the definition of these two words and walking through some of the things the lord had for me during training camp the more they began to make more sense.

Going into the race, I had a lot of people questioning what I was doing, why I was doing it, and how I would make it happen/work? There was a lot of doubt and not a lot of support. Along with that came the lies and the untruth that people spoke over me and I believed of myself without anyone even speaking some of them. At training camp, God used the teaching, his comfort, others praying for me, and the loving God community I was with to lift me up and allow me to see that I was worthy of this and that I am where I belong.

I have many more stories and revelations I can share from training camp so reach out if you want to hear more or maybe I will eventually post more. But here is one more.

I have always dealt with a lot of pressure from people around me to strive for perfection, success, stability, etc. and with that came the belief of lies when I didn’t manage to meet others standards or my own. One of the things God highlighted during training camp was that I have rooted my identity in a bundle of lies and untruths instead of in Him and his truth. During training

Once believed lies

camp, I walked through surrendering those lies and allowing myself to identify with God’s truths and what He says about me and no one else. This wasn’t an easy thing and it came with many tears and overwhelming sadness especially around those I had just barely met. (Love my squad with everything) But the Lord brought me to new truth and allowed me to give up that part of my story and be made new in

New truths

Him through surrender and baptism.

With that being said, this journey isn’t done and I have a lot of growing to do with the lord but I can already tell that this year is gonna be a year of growth,

stretching, and expanding.

Ways you can support my team and I:


  • For the Thai people and for God to touch their heart through us
  • For health and safety
  • For rest and to be rejuvenated for ministry


I am currently 33% funded. Thank you for all the support these last couple weeks. I can’t wait to continue to update yall on my journey and the things that God is doing through me. If you are feeling called to donate toward my trip please visit my donation link.

Lastly, please subscribe to my blog with your phone number or email address by clicking the orange “subscribe” button at the top to get notified when I post a new blog.❤️

3 responses to “Abide and Identity”

  1. Mandy- I thank Jesus for the revelation of lies you needed to let go and for replacing them all with the truth you now get to walk in!! This is going to be a season in your life like no other, and I can’t wait to see how He meets you in so many new ways this year!!

    • Thank you so much Kris! I can’t wait to see what comes of all the new revelations and truths. The journey is just beginning and it is glorious.

  2. Keep it up. It is not easy to start a journey with God. I restarted mine almost 3 years ago when I started trying to go to church every Sunday instead of just for a reason. Than 6months I started celebrate recovery and I can even start to say how my life is change. So I get ya my dear daughter.. I love and miss ya.

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