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Sorry that I have been a little bad about updates throughout this trip and even now since being home. I got really busy just pouring myself into ministry and what we were doing as a squad. That being said it is not an excuse for not providing the people that helped me get to where I was in June with information and updates.

So to start, being back home. I have been back home since June 29th. Coming back home was a wild and weird time because I went from being around Christian believers pretty much 24/7 to only being around them at home and still that wasn’t the same. Going from an environment where I was reading my bible, praying, and living my life like christ’s daily to going home and watching my siblings, working, and trying to figure school stuff out was really hard and still is hard. I can tell that I am not in touch with the lord pretty much at all and I am trying to work on it. I fell into a really bad rut when I came back from Colombia and I need to work on getting back to where I was then and where I want to be now. I would love if I could get some prayers for guidance in my next steps spiritually and just prayers to get back into an intimate relationship with the Father. 

Spiritual update- I would say that I kind of already said some of it but all want to give updates on what happened spiritually in Colombia and with me.

So one of the main things we did in Colombia was we worked with the community to try and get them the help they need but also to try and get them to know who the Lord is. One of the things we did every Wednesday night was something called Aquapanela which was essentially cane sugar melted in hot water that we handed out with bread to drug addicts in a neighborhood called the Bronx. The Bronx was a neighborhood about 10 minutes away from the foundation and it was about 2-3 blocks of just hard drug use. We went down there with a truck and handed out Aguapanela and evangelized to the people there well prayer walking. The first Wednesday I stayed back at the foundation and prayed/interceded for the people from my squad and the foundation that went to the Bronx. Then the next Wednesday I went and just stayed by the truck because I was worried about my asthma with all the smoke that was in the air but the next week I actually went walking around and prayed for people as we walked. Both times I went I had a little bit of the same reaction but a little different also. The first time I went I notice how even though these people were out on the street using drugs and not in the best situation they still had the utmost respect for Rebecca one of the leaders of the foundation and for everyone else that wore one of the orange vests that said Ciudad Refugio on it. The second time I went I noticed how even though some of the people say they do not want help and do not need us to pray for them they still want to talk to us and be around us. There was this woman that I guess they have talked to and seen around before and every time they talk to her she says she does not want help or prayer but she still comes up and talks to them almost every time that they go there. It was really cool to see that even though she doesn’t want help or doesn’t see the lord as someone who can help she still can see/feel the love of the Lord come through us.

I loved seeing the way the Lord worked in Colombia and that is just one way that he worked in and through people. I plan to write more blogs with stories of the works that happened in Colombia. I do not know when I will post another blog because i have been home for more than a month but I am still processing things and trying to figure out what some things mean. Hope you enjoy reading this update.

2 responses to “Being Back Home & Spiritual Updates”

  1. Thank you for sharing this Mandy! I miss Colombia and our little room we stayed in. I know your family is so happy to have you home (especially Maggie!!). I completely understand how hard a spiritual rut is. I will be praying the Lord will reveal himself in your everyday routines and that He will open your eyes to see the specific ways He is working and showing His love to you. I miss seeing you! Don’t ever hesitate to reach out to talk or catch up!:)