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In this blog I will be talking about 4 of the 11 highlights from training camp. The main three things that they center trainings camp on our the cave, table, and road. What that means is the cave is your personal relationship with the lord, the table is your community of believers because you gather around a table, and the road is the ministry or spreading the word/gospel. This topic really struck me because I had never had anyone talk about the kingdom and relationship with god in that way.

Spiritual warfare is something that most Americans do not think about because yes we experience it but not like others do so it’s not the same. One of the things that came up about spiritual warfare is that God’s kingdom came down to fight the kingdom of earth/darkness. I don’t think before training camp I have ever heard that and it opened my eyes about what the world looks like and what we do about it.

Being born again into the kingdom is a spiritual birth. You aren’t literally put back into the womb and born again. The spirit dwells inside of you and that’s how you are born again. You accept the spirit and accept that you have it inside you.

Last thing I want to highlight from training camp in this blog is the kingdom takes time to grow it doesn’t just instantly happen. So you can accept Christ and it could take weeks or months for you to actually feel the holy spirit or in counter it in your life. There is nothing instant about the kingdom it is a forever growing process.

An update of were I am right now. We are in Medillin Colombia and have been here since Wednesday. These first couple of days have been great. I am a little behind on writing blogs but I will have 2 more on training camp and then will be writing one on what the lord has done in this first week or so. So be expecting a couple more blogs within the week hopefully.


2 responses to “Training Camp Blog 1”

  1. I love what you wrote about the cave, table, and road…I had never heard that before! Good stuff! Praying for all and each of you! Love, Rachel (Jessa’s mom)

  2. It’s great to hear about all you’re learning, Mandy! It’s hard to comprehend that we have the Spirit of God dwelling inside us, but how amazing is that?! I pray that you will rely on the Holy Spirit in whatever situation you face. I can testify He has become my source of strength, comfort, peace, joy, love and the list goes on!