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I am excited to say that I am fully funded as of April 30th and that I am so grateful for everyone that was willing to donate towards my trip. I leave for Colombia in just 18 shorts days. That’s crazy that it has come so fast and it is almost time to leave. Packing is going to be a challenge because I have to remember to not over-pack and not to forget anything. I have pretty much all the stuff that I need just have to get some last-minute toiletries and things like that. I am so excited for the journey ahead but also kind of nervous. I have never flown on a plane other than when I was in 2nd grade but don’t remember much so I would appreciate prayers for my nerves about going on a plane and flying by myself. Also been having some side effects from my yellow fever vaccine that I would love prayers for them to go away and be gone before I leave because they are not that fun. Another thing is the fact that I will be having a palatal expander and habit appliance in well in Colombia which is kind of scary so hopefully, that goes well. That’s pretty much everything that has been going on since my last post, not much of an update but just a little one. I will post again probably right before leaving and if not after I arrive at training camp.